BNB Chain has updated its list of DappBay high-risk DApp Red Alarm projects, with recent additions including LasMeta Lottery, Kontos Protocol, and InvisibleEggs.
On May 26th, BNB Chain updated its DappBay high-risk DApp Red Alarm project list, and the new items included in the list are PEAKDEFI and OnChaMon.
On April 20, BNB Chain updated its list of high-risk DApp Red Alarm projects in Dapp Bay, including AlphaOrBeta, Rocket Wallet, BIM Finance, Goose Finance, Uno Re, Anchor Finance, and Sashimi Swap.
4月20日消息,BNB Chain更新其Dapp Bay高风险DApp红色警报(Red Alarm)项目列表,过去24小时内纳入列表的项目包括AlphaOrBeta、Rocket Wallet、BIM Finance、Goose Finance、Uno Re、Anchor Finance以及Sashimi Swap。
BNBChain has updated its DappBay high-risk DApp Red Alarm project list, which includes FDUSD FARM, TIFI, and VizslaSwap projects this week.
BNBChain更新其DappBay高风险DApp红色警报(Red Alarm)项目列表,本周涉及项目包括FDUSD FARM、TIFI和VizslaSwap。
BNB Chain has updated its DappBay high-risk DApp Red Alarm project list, which includes projects such as Alaya AI, TIFI, and VizslaSwap this week.
BNB Chain更新其DappBay高风险DApp红色警报(Red Alarm)项目列表,本周涉及项目包括Alaya AI、TIFI、VizslaSwap。